​Thank-you for My Parents Lord
Thank-you for my parents Lord
You’ve given me by grace.
With your hand you gave me life
and you put me in this place
But so many sing a sadder song
And I know you love them too.
So for this home you’ve given me
My thanks belongs to you.

So many times I’ve failed to see
The blessings that I’ve had…
To wrap my arms around my Mom
or to say I love you Dad.
To show the love I ought to show
for the love you’ve given me.
To thank my God in heaven
For this kind of family.

I know that they’re not perfect Lord
I know they’ve done some wrongs.
And though they show no weaknesses
I know they’re not always strong
But I could have tried to help them more
I so often made them sad.
Help me now to show them Lord
I love you Mom and Dad.

I love you… Mom and Dad
I love you… Mom and Dad